Discover the posts from the theme : Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait:

Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 1
While I was doing research on the portraits of three people (cf.
portraits of three ladies from week of June 16th), I discovered the triple portr... see more
Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 2
Yesterday we looked together at Anthony van Dyck's triple portrait of Charles I.
The painting was made to create a marble sculpture of the king (... see more
Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 3
Today's portrait depicts one of the most important political figures in the French history: Cardinal Richelieu (1585 - 1642).
Despite his tender... see more
Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 4
For long time I struggled to connect with portrait paintings.
Then I found my trick: looking at portrait paintings are like reading today's gossi... see more
Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 5
I always find Pre-Raphaelite works have a unique charm: its intense colours and abundant details somehow make the elegant-looking girls look like... see more
Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 6
The French painter and decorative artist Maurice Denis (1870 - 1943) absorbed different influences and experimented with various art movements to... see more
Painting Portraits - Chapter 5 Triple Portrait: Day 7
This week we have been exploring triple portraits from the 16th century to the end of 19th century.
The tradition of triple portrait is not lost... see more
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